


HAPPY COMEBACK SJM o/ so happy omg. 

And you ! /pointing at gyu/ why so handsomeee TAT hurrrrr

you cant do that to me. you've already known that you're my weakness, havent you?
heol~ whatever. who cares?

have a happy comeback, okay? SWING NEVER NEVER GIVE UP !!
super junior + M


{Fanfiction} Yours

Author : GaemFi
Genre : Romance
Rating : PG-15
Length : Oneshot

Cho Kyuhyun | Kim Heebum

 Happy birthday my lovely boy. Cho Kyuhyun-ie.. the one and only 


Kakinya melangkah memasuki ruang olahraga dengan sedikit berlari. Ia segera menutup rapat pintu ruangan cepat-cepat, kemudian mengibaskan tangannya yang terasa kebas. Musim dingin Seoul memang selalu menyebalkan untuknya. Ia tidak pernah menyukai suasana sekelilingnya berubah menjadi putih terlapisi salju, tidak pernah suka suhu di bawah nol yang membuat gigi bergemeletuk, tidak suka saat pakaian berlapis dan jaket bulu tebalnya masih saja belum mampu melindunginya dari hawa dingin yang mencekam.

[140203] Happy Kyuhyun Day \o/


This road is hard but for you, I'm willing to go till the end. Because a day can be brighten with just your smile.  

You’re getting older, so am i. But without looking into your eyes, im waiting you endlessly

Even if i see good looking men, you have you know that you’re the best

It's been a long time since I gave up trying to find a way to stop looking at you.

We will never be real friends. But i spend my days loving you.

When no one is there, you are. When i feel lonely, even if i dont, you are there and im here.

No one understands, but you understand. So just love, and live, and feel, and enjoy it.

i accidentally fell in love with a guy and he never even learned my name xD

Why do i get so small in front of you? But I enjoy every torment you gave me.

No complaint, because I'm the one who decides to be in this one-sided love.

As time goes by, this shady girl thinks only of you

i didnt choose you. my heart did.

Your most loyal fans will never cheat on you, Oppa. Both of us, fighting!!

Thanks for being what you are today. Let’s be together for 1000 years more

Zhao Gui Xian... Wo zhen de ai ni

@GaemGyu : 올해도 생일은 스키장에서~~^^ 새로 장만한 보드로 슝슝~ !!!


Because you, Cho Kyuhyun, are my biggest treasure. I love you, Lover





{Fan Fiction} I will Follow

Cho Kyuhyun | Kim Heechul | Kim Jongwoon | Lee Hyukjae
Kim Heebum | Choi Raejoon | Kang Sungyoong | Lee Hyobin



I think late is much better than never XD and I think there's no problem if I post this now, 
2013 November 11.

2013 November 06.
Happy 8th anniversary Super Junior. 
Let's be together for 80 more. 
Your most loyal fans will never cheat on you, we are Ever Lasting Friends, remember? 
Thank you for pulling through everything and becoming what you are today.

'8th anniversary, no updates from company, no blessings from other artists, no official activities. Just a group of 'sunbae' playing by themselves with their fans at the airport, blowing the candles in the cold wind before hurriedly hop on a plane to fly oversea...'

Love you everyday~ no matter what will do
Urineun ELF~oeo


Long Time No See, Kim Heechul-ssi

Credit: Jang-VK
Reupload and RePosted by: 
superlove (www.sup3rjunior.com

Gantengnya MasyaAllah ... /berdecak kagum ngelus dada/

yang ini apalagi... gantengnya Subhanallah T.T


{Fan Fiction} Us (Two-Shots END)

Credit Cover :

Texture :



Author : GaemFi

Genre : Romance

Main Cast : Cho Kyuhyun – Kim Heebum

Note : Teman-teman. FF ini bukan aku banget. Jadi nggak selera huwahahaha
